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38.(1) A constable or a prison officer may arrest without warrant any person

(a)whom he reasonably suspects of having committed, or attempted to commit,
any offence against this Act; or

(b)whom he reasonably suspects of being unlawfully at large;

(2) Where any person sentenced to imprisonment,... [or ordered to be detained
in a young offenders centre] is unlawfully at large at any time during the
period for which he is liable to be detained in pursuance of the sentence,
then, unless the Minister otherwise directs, no account shall be taken, in
calculating the period for which he is liable to be so detained, of the time
during which he is absent from prison.

(3) The provisions of the last foregoing sub-section shall not apply to any
period during which any such person is detained in pursuance of any other
sentence of any court [in the United Kingdom] in a prison or other
institution, but shall apply in addition to any other provisions of this Act
imposing any punishment for an escape.

(4) The provisions of the last foregoing sub-section shall apply to a person
who is detained in custody in default of payment of any sum of money as if he
were sentenced to imprisonment.

(5) For the purposes of this section a person who, after being temporarily
released in pursuance of prison rules, is at large at any time during the
period for which he is liable to be detained in pursuance of his sentence,
shall be deemed to be unlawfully at large if the period for which he was
temporarily released has expired or if an order recalling him has been made by
the Minister in pursuance of the rules.

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