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Temporary discharge of prisoners on account of ill-health.

24.(1) If the Minister is satisfied that by reason of the condition of a
prisoner's health it is undesirable to detain him in prison, but that, such
condition of health being due in whole or in part to the prisoner's own
conduct in prison, it is desirable that his release should be temporary and
conditional only, the Minister may, if he thinks fit, having regard to all the
circumstances of the case, by order authorise the temporary discharge of the
prisoner for such period and subject to such conditions as may be stated in
the order.

(2) Where an order of temporary discharge is made in the case of a prisoner
not under sentence, the order shall contain conditions requiring the
attendance of the prisoner at any further proceedings in his case at which his
presence may be required.

(3) Any prisoner discharged under this section shall comply with any
conditions stated in the order of temporary discharge, and shall return to
prison at the expiration of the period stated in the order, or of such
extended period as may be fixed by any subsequent order of the Minister, and
if the prisoner fails so to comply or return, he may be arrested without
warrant and taken back to prison.

(4) Where a prisoner under sentence is discharged in pursuance of an order of
temporary discharge, the currency of the sentence shall be suspended from the
day on which he is discharged from prison under the order to the day on which
he is received back into prison, so that the former day shall be reckoned and
the latter shall not be reckoned as part of the sentence.

(5) Nothing in this section shall affect the duties of the medical officer of
a prison in respect of a prisoner whom the Minister does not think fit to
discharge under this section.

Being unlawfully at large while under sentence.

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