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Administrative powers of the Ministry.

2.(1) The Ministry shall have and may exercise all such powers as appear to it
to be necessary for the proper administration and maintenance of any prison
including the equipment, provisioning and supply thereof and the making of and
giving effect to arrangements for the welfare, employment and training of

(2) The Ministry shall appoint the governors, medical officers and such other
officers and staff as appear to it to be necessary.

(3) The numbers, remuneration and conditions of service of persons so
appointed shall be determined by the Ministry with the approval of the
Ministry of Finance.

(4) The Ministry may, with the approval of the Ministry of Finance, enlarge,
rebuild, repair or alter any prison and build new prisons.

(5) Where it appears to the Ministry to be necessary or expedient for the
purpose of this Act that any land should be acquired, the Ministry may, with
the approval of the Ministry of Finance, acquire by agreement that land and
any easement or right in or over any land adjacent thereto.

(6) The Ministry, with the approval of the Ministry of Finance, may use,
appropriate or dispose of in whatsoever manner it may think fit any premises
which have ceased to be used as a prison.

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