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Removal of prisoners for judicial and other purposes.

16.(1) The Ministry may, if it is satisfied that the attendance at any place
of a person detained in a prison is desirable in the interests of justice or
for the purposes of any public inquiry, direct him to be taken to that place.

(2) The Ministry may, if it is satisfied that a person so detained requires
medical or surgical treatment of any description, direct him to be taken to a
hospital or other suitable place for the purposes of the treatment.

(3) Where any person is directed under this section to be taken to any place
he shall, unless the Ministry otherwise directs, be deemed to be in custody
while being so taken, while at that place, and while being taken back to the
prison in which he is required in accordance with law to be detained.

(4) A person taken from a prison for medical or surgical treatment under
sub-section (2) of this section may by direction of the Ministry, but not
otherwise, be discharged on the expiration of his sentence without
necessitating his return to prison.

(5) In this section "hospital" has the same meaning as in the Health Services
Act (Northern Ireland), 1948.

Subs.(6) rep. in pt. by 1961 c.15 (NI) s.116(2) sch.7, residue spent

S.17 rep. by 1980 NI10 art.4(3) sch.3

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