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Provisions as to trial and punishment of offences.

8.(1) Any person who is guilty of a felony under the principal Act or this Act
shall be liable to penal servitude for a term of not less than three years and
not exceeding fourteen years.

(2) Any person who is guilty of a misdemeanour under the principal Act or
this Act shall be liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment, ..., for
a term not exceeding two years, or, on conviction under the Summary
Jurisdiction Acts, to imprisonment, ..., for a term not exceeding three months
or to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, or both such imprisonment and fine:

Provided that no misdemeanour under the principal Act or this Act shall be
dealt with summarily except with the consent of the Attorney General.

(3) For the purposes of the trial of a person for an offence under the
principal Act or this Act, the offence shall be deemed to have been committed
either at the place in which the same actually was committed, or at any place
in the United Kingdom in which the offender may be found.

(4) In addition and without prejudice to any powers which a court may possess
to order the exclusion of the public from any proceedings if, in the course of
proceedings before a court against any person for an offence under the
principal Act or this Act or the proceedings on appeal, or in the course of
the trial of a person for felony or misdemeanour under the principal Act or
this Act, application is made by the prosecution, on the ground that the
publication of any evidence to be given or of any statement to be made in the
course of the proceedings would be prejudicial to the national safety, that
all or any portion of the public shall be excluded during any part of the
hearing, the court may make an order to that effect, but the passing of
sentence shall in any case take place in public.

(5) Where the person guilty of an offence under the principal Act or this Act
is a company or corporation, every director and officer of the company or
corporation shall be guilty of the like offence unless he proves that the act
or omission constituting the offence took place without his knowledge or

Ss.9, 10 amend 1911 c.28

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