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Northern Irish Legislation

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Registration and regulation of persons carrying on the business of receiving postal packets.

5.(1) Every person who carries on, whether alone or in conjunction with any
other business, the business of receiving for reward letters, telegrams, or
other postal packets for delivery or forwarding to the persons for whom they
are intended, shall as soon as may be send to the chief officer of police for
the district, for registration by him, notice of the fact together with the
address or addresses where the business is carried on, and the chief officer
of police shall keep a register of the names and addresses of such persons,
and shall, if required by any person who sends such a notice, furnish him on
payment of a fee of [5p] with a certificate of registration, and every person
so registered shall from time to time furnish to the chief officer of police
notice of any change of address or new address at which the business is
carried on, and such other information as may be necessary for maintaining the
correctness of the particulars entered in the register.

(2) Every person who carries on such a business as aforesaid shall cause to be
entered in a book kept for the purpose the following particulars

(a)the name and address of every person for whom any postal packet is
received, or who has requested that postal packets received may be delivered
or forwarded to him;

(b)any instructions that may have been received as to the delivery or
forwarding of postal packets;

(c)in the case of every postal packet received, the place from which the
postal packet comes, and the date of posting (as shown by the post-mark) and
the date of receipt, and the name and address of the sender if shown on the
outside of the packet, and, in the case of a registered packet, the date and
office of registration and the number of the registered packet;

(d)in the case of every postal packet delivered, the date of delivery and the
name and address of the person to whom it is delivered;

(e)in the case of every postal packet forwarded, the name and address to which
and the date on which it is forwarded;

(3) The books so kept and all postal packets received by a person carrying on
any such business, and any instruction as to the delivery or forwarding of
postal packets received by any such person, shall be kept at all reasonable
times open to inspection by any police constable.

(4) If any person contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of
this section, or furnishes any false information or makes any false entry, he
shall be guilty of an offence under this Act, and shall, for each offence, be
liable on conviction under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts to imprisonment...
for a term not exceeding one month, or to a fine not exceeding ten pounds, or
to both such imprisonment and fine.

(5) Nothing in this section shall apply to postal packets addressed to any
office where any newspaper or periodical is published, being postal packets in
reply to advertisements appearing in such newspaper or periodical.

(6) Nothing in this section shall be construed as rendering legal anything
which would be in contravention of the exclusive privilege of the Postmaster
General under the Post Office Acts, 1908 to 1920,....[

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