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Northern Irish Legislation

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Definition of prohibited place.

3. For the purposes of this Act, the expression "prohibited place" means

(a)[any work of defence, arsenal, naval or air force establishment or station,
factory, dockyard, mine, minefield, camp, ship, or aircraft belonging to or
occupied by or on behalf of His Majesty, or any telegraph, telephone, wireless
or signal station, or office so belonging or occupied, and any place belonging
to or occupied by or on behalf of His Majesty and used for the purpose of
building, repairing, making, or storing any munitions of war, or any sketches,
plans, models or documents relating thereto, or for the purpose of getting any
metals, oil, or minerals of use in time of war;] and

(b)any place not belonging to His Majesty where any [munitions of war], or any
[sketches, models, plans] or documents relating thereto, are being made,
repaired, [gotten,] or stored under contract with, or with any person on
behalf of, His Majesty, or otherwise on behalf of His Majesty; and

(c)any place belonging to [or used for the purposes of] His Majesty which is
for the time being declared [by order of a Secretary of State] to be a
prohibited place for the purposes of this section on the ground that
information with respect thereto, or damage thereto, would be useful to an
enemy; and

(d)any railway, road, way, or channel, or other means of communication by land
or water (including any works or structures being part thereof or connected
therewith), or any place used for gas, water, or electricity works or other
works for purposes of a public character, or any place where any [munitions of
war], or any [sketches, models, plans] or documents relating thereto, are
being made, repaired, or stored otherwise than on behalf of His Majesty, which
is for the time being declared [by order of a Secretary of State] to be a
prohibited place for the purposes of this section, on the ground that
information with respect thereto, or the destruction or obstruction thereof,
or interference therewith, would be useful to an enemy.

Ss.4, 5 rep. by 1920 c.75 s.11 sch.2; 1967 c.18 s.15(2) sch.2 Pt.II

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