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Power of Ministry to make arrangements for the transfer of staff to the service of new town commissions.

8.(1) The Ministry may make arrangements for transferring to the service of a
new town commission (but not without the consent of the person proposed to be

(a)any person employed by the Ministry; or

(b)any person employed by a [district council] ... any part of whose ...
district is included in the area designated under section 1 as the site of a
new town,

(2) Arrangements made under subsection (1) shall include arrangements for
ensuring that a person transferred to the service of a new town commission
under that subsection shall be employed by the new town commission upon terms
and conditions not less favourable than those which immediately before the
date of transfer applied to his employment by the Ministry or, as the case may
be, the [district council], with such increases of salary and other benefits
as may before the date of transfer have by virtue of those terms accrued to
him by efflux of time and such further increases of salary and other benefits
as may have been conferred on him by the Ministry or, as the case may be, the
[district council] before the date of transfer.

S.9 rep. by 1972 NI 10 art.23 schs.7, 8; SR 1981/96

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