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Northern Irish Legislation

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Power to dispose of land.

5.(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Ministry may dispose of any land acquired
by the Ministry under section 4 for the purposes of a new town to such
persons, in such manner, and on such terms or conditions as the Ministry
considers expedient for securing the development of the new town.

[(1A) Where at any time it appears to the Department that any land acquired by
the Department under section 4 for the purposes of a new town is no longer
required by the Department for that purpose, the Department may, subject to
subsection (2), dispose of that land to such persons, in such manner and on
such terms or conditions as the Department thinks fit.]

(2) [Subsection (1)] shall not enable the Ministry to dispose of any land
gratuitously, or at either a price or rent other than the best obtainable, or
on terms other than the best obtainable, except with the approval of
the Ministry of Finance.

(3) Section 5 of the Stormont Regulation and Government Property Act (Northern
Ireland) 1933 (which contains provisions with respect to the disposal of land
by government departments) shall not apply to the disposal of any land under
this section.

S.6 rep. by 1972 NI 17 art.110(2) sch.7

New town commissions.

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