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Financial provisions with respect to municipal functions of new town commissions.

31.(1) Subject to subsection (3), any person enabled in that behalf under any
transferred provision other than this Act may pay to a new town commission
with respect to which a municipal functions order ... has been made, and such
a commission may receive, any contribution, grant, subsidy or payment that may
be paid to or received by ... [a district council] under such a provision.

(2) Any person enabled in that behalf under any transferred provision other
than this Act may require a new town commission with respect to which a
municipal functions order ... has been made to make, and the
new town commission shall make, any payment that ... [a district council] may
be required to make.

Subs.(3) spent

(4) The [district rate made] by a new town commission, in the exercise of
their municipal functions, in any financial year shall ... be of such amount
as the Ministry may determine with the approval of the Ministry of Finance.

Subs.(5) rep. by SRO (NI) 1973/285

(6) [If in respect of any financial year the aggregate of the sum paid to a
new town commission by the Ministry of Finance as representing the product of
the district rate made by the commission for that year] and the other receipts
relating to their municipal functions is not sufficient to meet the outgoings
of the new town commission in relation to those functions, the Ministry may
make good the amount of the deficit.

(7) Where expenditure which the Ministry considers to be of a capital nature
is incurred by a new town commission in the exercise of their
municipal functions, that expenditure shall be met by borrowing unless
the Ministry otherwise directs.

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