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Northern Irish Legislation

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Application of this part to stock already transferred, &c.

67. Where under any former Act relating to unclaimed stock or unclaimed
dividends any stocks, funds, or annuities, or any principal or other sums
have, in consequence of the same or of the dividends thereon being unclaimed,
been transferred to the National Debt Commissioners, or any unclaimed
dividends have been paid to those Commissioners, this part of this Act shall
have effect in relation to the stocks, funds, annuities, principal or other
sums, and dividends so transferred and paid, and to any stock or security
representing the same or any of them, and to all accumulations and investments
of those dividends, in the manner, as nearly as may be, as if such transfer,
payment, and investment were made after the passing of this Act under this
part thereof.

S.68 rep. by 1929 c.29 s.36(1) sch.2 Pt.I; SLR 1966

S.69 rep. by SLR 1950. S.70 rep. by 1942 c.21 s.47 sch.11 Pt.III; SLR 1963.
S.71 rep. by 1963 c.22 (NI) s.21 sch.3 Pt.II. S.72 rep. by 1946 c.27 s.3(4)

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