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General regulations with respect to stock certificates and coupons.

39. The Banks of England and Ireland respectively, with the sanction of the
Treasury, may from time to time issue any forms that may be required for
carrying into effect this part of this Act, and may from time to time make any
regulations not inconsistent with this part of this Act relative to the
following things:

(1)The time for which coupons are to be given:

(2)The conversion of a stock certificate to bearer into a nominal certificate:

(3)The authority under which and the mode in which the Bank are to act in
issuing stock certificates or exchanging nominal certificates for certificates
to bearer, or registering in their books the holders of stock certificates, or
taking any other proceedings in relation to stock authorized to be taken under
this part of this Act:

(4)The mode of proving the title of or identifying any person applying for a
stock certificate or deriving any title under a stock certificate:

(5)The mode of proof of the death ... of the nominee ...:

(6)The mode of proof of the loss or destruction of a stock certificate or

(7)Any other matter necessary to carry this part of this Act into effect:

Regulations so made before the passing of this Act shall continue in force
unless and until altered by regulations made after the passing of this Act
under this part thereof.

Any regulation so made before or after the passing of this Act shall be deemed
to be part of this Act in the same manner as if it were enacted in this part
of this Act.

S.40 rep. by 1892 c.48 s.8(3) sch. Pt.I

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