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Functions of Statutory Committee.

3.(1) The functions of the Statutory Committee shall be

(a)to decide any question of fact on the determination of which the amount of
a pension or grant payable out of public funds to a dependant, other than a
widow or child, may depend;

(b)to frame regulations for supplementary grants in cases where, owing to the
exceptional circumstances of the case, the pension or grant or separation
allowance payable out of public funds seems to the Committee to be inadequate;

(c)out of funds at their disposal, to supplement pensions and grants and
separation allowances payable out of public funds, so, however, that no such
supplementary grant shall be made except in accordance with such regulations
as aforesaid;

(d)out of funds at their disposal, to make grants or allowances in cases where
no separation allowances or pensions are payable out of public funds;

(e)out of funds at their disposal, to make advances on account of pensions or
grants or separation allowances due to any persons, out of public funds during
any interval before the payment thereof actually commences, or during which
the payment thereof has been accidentally interrupted;

(f)to decide, in any particular case, whether, as respects a wife, widow,
child, or other dependant, any pension or grant or separation allowance and,
as respects an officer or man, any supplementary grant has, under the
regulations subject to which it was granted, become forfeited;

(g)to decide, as between two or more claimants to any pension or grant or
separation allowance, which, if any, of the claimants is entitled thereto;

(h)to determine any other questions in relation to pensions or grants or
separation allowances which may be referred to the Committee by the [Defence

Para.(i) rep. by 1917 c.37 s.5(2) sch.

(j)to make provision for the care of disabled officers and men after they have
left the service, including provision for their health, training, and

(k)to make grants in special cases for the purpose of enabling widows,
children, and other dependants of deceased officers and men to obtain training
and employment.

Subs.(2)(7) rep. by 1917 c.37 s.5(2) sch.; SLR 1927

Provisions as to Corporation.

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