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Notification by midwives of intention to practise.

34.(1) Every midwife shall, before holding herself out as a practising
midwife, or commencing to practise as a midwife, in any area, serve notice of
her intention to do so and of the address at which she resides, on the [Health
and Social Services Board] for that area, and shall serve a similar notice in
the month of January in every year thereafter during which she continues to
practise in that area.

(2) Where a midwife practises or acts as such at any time in any area other
than the area mentioned in subsection (1) and the circumstances are such as
not to permit the service of a notice under that subsection, she shall, within
forty-eight hours after she commences so to practise or act, serve notice of
that fact on the [Health and Social Services Board] for that other area.

(3) A notice under this section shall contain such other particulars as rules
made by the Council may specify.

(4) Any woman who fails to serve any notice required by this section, or who
knowingly or wilfully makes a false statement in any such notice, shall be
guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding #10.

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