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Northern Irish Legislation

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Effect of application for admission.

17.(1) An application for the admission of a patient to hospital, duly
completed in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Part, shall be
sufficient authority for the applicant, or any person authorised by the
applicant, to take the patient and convey him to the hospital at any time
within the following period, that is to say

(a)in the case of an application other than an emergency application, the
period of fourteen days beginning with the date on which the patient was
examined by the medical practitioner giving the recommendation for admission;

(b)in the case of an emergency application, the period of three days beginning
with the date on which the patient was examined by the medical practitioner
giving the recommendation for admission.

(2) Where a patient is admitted within that period to the hospital specified
in any such application, or, being within a hospital, is treated by virtue of
section sixteen as if he had been so admitted, the application shall be
sufficient authority for the [Health and Social Services Board] to detain
the patient in the hospital in accordance with this Act.

(3) Any application for admission which appears to be duly made and to be
founded on the necessary recommendation for admission may be acted upon
without further proof of the signature or qualification of the person by whom
the application or any such recommendation, is made or given, or of any matter
of fact or opinion stated therein.

(4) Where a patient is admitted to a hospital in pursuance of an application
for admission, any previous application under this Part by virtue of which he
was subject to guardianship shall cease to have effect.

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