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Northern Irish Legislation

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Applications in respect of patients already in hospital.

16.(1) An application for admission may be made under this Part
notwithstanding that a patient is already an in-patient in a hospital who is
not liable to be detained in pursuance of an application for admission; and
where an application is so made the patient shall be treated for the purposes
of this Part as if he had been admitted to the hospital at the time when that
application was received by the [Health and Social Services Board].

(2) If, where a patient is an in-patient in a hospital, but is not liable to
be detained there in pursuance of an application for admission, it appears to
the medical practitioner in charge of the treatment of the patient that an
application for admission ought to be made in respect of the patient, he may
furnish to the [Health and Social Services Board] a report in the prescribed
form to that effect; and where he does so, the [Health and Social Services
Board] may detain the patient in the hospital for a period not exceeding three
days beginning with the day on which the report is so furnished.

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