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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MENTAL HEALTH ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1961

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General provisions as to medical recommendations.

14.(1) The recommendation required for the purposes of an application for
admission (in this Act referred to as "a recommendation for admission") shall

(a)if practicable, be given by the patient's medical practitioner or by a
medical practitioner who has previous acquaintance with the patient;

(b)be signed on or before the date of the application by a practitioner who
has personally examined the patient not more than two days before the date on
which he signs that recommendation.

(2) A recommendation for admission shall not be given by any of the following
persons, that is to say

(a)the applicant;

(b)a partner of the applicant;

(c)a person employed as an assistant by the applicant;

(d)a person who receives or has an interest in the receipt of any payments
made on account of the maintenance of the patient; or

(e)except in the case of an emergency application (as defined in section
fifteen), a practitioner on the staff of the hospital to which the patient is
to be admitted;

Emergency applications.

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