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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MENTAL HEALTH ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1961

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General provisions as to applications.

13.(1) Subject to sub-sections (2) and (3), an application for admission may
be made either by the nearest relative of the patient or by [the
social worker] for the area in which the patient then is; and every such
application shall be made in the prescribed form addressed to the [Health and
Social Services Board administering] the hospital to which admission is sought
and shall specify the qualification of the applicant to make the application.

(2) An application for admission shall not be made by [a social worker] if the
nearest relative of the patient has notified that officer, or the [Health and
Social Services Board] by whom that officer is appointed, that he objects to
the application being made, and, without prejudice to the foregoing provision,
shall not be made by [a social worker] except after consultation with the
person, if any, appearing to be the nearest relative of the patient unless it
appears to that officer that in the circumstances such consultation is not
reasonably practicable or would involve unreasonable delay.

(3) A person shall not make an application for admission unless he has
personally seen the patient within the period of fourteen days ending with the
date of the application.

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