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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MENTAL HEALTH ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1961

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Provisions as to custody, conveyance and detention.

107.(1) Any person required or authorised by or by virtue of this Act to be
conveyed to any place or to be kept in custody or detained in a
place of safety or at any place to which he is taken under sub-section (5) of
section fifty-four shall, while being so conveyed, kept or detained, as the
case may be, be deemed to be in legal custody.

(2) A constable or any other person required or authorised by or by virtue of
this Act to take any person into custody, or to convey or detain any person
shall, for the purposes of taking him into custody or conveying or detaining
him, have all the powers, authorities, protection and privileges which a
constable has within the area for which he acts as constable.

(3) In this section "convey" includes any other expression denoting removal
from one place to another.

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