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1.(1) It shall be the duty of [the Ministry of Health and Social Services (in
this Act referred to as "the Ministry")], subject to the provisions of
this Act, [the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order
1972 and regulations made under this Act and that Order,] to provide or secure
the provision of services designed to improve and maintain the mental health
of the people of Northern Ireland and for that purpose

(a)to take such steps as may be necessary or expedient for the prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of mental disorder;

(b)to make provision for the care, supervision, training and occupation of
persons suffering from mental disorder;

Para.(c) rep. by 1969 c.36 (NI) s.48 sch.3; 1972 NI14 art.109(3) sch.18;
paras.(d)(e) rep. by 1967 c.9 (NI) s.18 sch.2

(f)to furnish to the Lord Chief Justice, the Mental Health Review Tribunal for
Northern Ireland (in this Act referred to as "the Review Tribunal") and [the
Office of Care and Protection] such returns, reports and other information in
relation to mentally disordered persons

<[(i)as the High Court may require for the exercise of its jurisdiction under section 28 of the Judicature (Northern Ireland) Act 1978;] or

(ii)as the Review Tribunal may require for the exercise of their functions
under this Act; or

<(iii)as [the said Office] may require for the exercise of their functions with respect to the estates of persons incapable of managing their affairs.

(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall be construed as prejudicing the functions
of [the Ministry] under the Health [and Personal Social Services (Northern
Ireland) Order 1972].

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