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14.(1) An application for first registration of the ownership of a freehold
estate may be made by

(a)the owner of an estate in fee simple in the land (including a personal
representative, but excluding a mortgagee where there is a subsisting right of
redemption); or

(b)a tenant for life, or a person who has under the Settled Land Acts the
powers of a tenant for life; or

(c)any other person authorised in that behalf by any statutory provision;

(2) An application under subsection (1) shall be made for registration with

(a)an absolute title; or

(b)a good fee farm grant title; or

(c)a possessory title.

(3) Where the applicant is a personal representative, any registration under
this section shall be made

(a)by registering in the appropriate register, as owner of the estate, the
person who is entitled thereto under the will or on the intestacy of the
deceased owner; or

(b)by registering in the appropriate register, as owner of the estate, a
transferee for valuable consideration of the lands from such personal
representative; or

(c)by entering on the appropriate register a note showing the nature of the
estate of the deceased owner with particulars of the date of his death and of
the grant of representation, including the names and addresses of the
personal representatives.

(4) The entry of a note referred to in subsection (3)(c) shall operate as if
it were the registration of the deceased owner of the estate and as if it were
the entry of the note referred to in paragraph 3 of Schedule 4.

(5) A person shall not be registered under this section as an owner unless the
title with which he is to be registered is approved by the Registrar.

(6) If, on an application for first registration as an owner of a freehold
estate with one of the classes of title specified in subsection (2),
the Registrar decides that the person to be registered as owner of the estate
should be registered with a title of another of those classes or with a
qualified title, the Registrar may, subject to such conditions as may be
prescribed, register that person accordingly.

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