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Northern Irish Legislation

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Restricted operation of partial licences.

2. Where in any lease heretofore granted or to be hereafter granted there is
or shall be a power or condition of re-entry on assigning or underletting or
doing any other specified act without licence, and a licence at any time after
the passing of this Act shall be given to one of several lessees or co-owners
to assign or underlet his share or interest, or to do any other act prohibited
to be done without licence, or shall be given to any lessee or owner, or any
one of several lessees or owners, to assign or underlet part only of the
property, or to do any other such act as aforesaid in respect of part only of
such property, such licence shall not operate to destroy or extinguish the
right of re-entry in case of any breach of the covenant or condition by the
co-lessee or co-lessees, or owner or owners, of the other shares or interests
in the property, or by the lessee or owner of the rest of the property (as the
case may be) over or in respect of such shares or interests or remaining
property, but such right of re-entry shall remain in full force over or in
respect of the shares or interests or property not the subject of such

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