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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LAW OF PROPERTY AMENDMENT ACT 1859

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1. Where any licence to do any act which without such licence would create a
forfeiture, or give a right to re-enter, under a condition or power reserved
in any lease heretofore granted or to be hereafter granted, shall at any time
after the passing of this Act be given to any lessee or his assigns, every
such licence shall, unless otherwise expressed, extend only to the permission
actually given, or to any specific breach of any proviso or covenant made or
to be made, or to the actual assignment, under-lease, or other matter thereby
specifically authorized to be done, but not so as to prevent any proceeding
for any subsequent breach (unless otherwise specified in such licence); and
all rights under covenants and powers of forfeiture and re-entry in the lease
contained shall remain in full force and virtue, and shall be available as
against any subsequent breach of covenant or condition, assignment,
under-lease, or other matter not specifically authorized or made dispunishable
by such licence, in the same manner as if no such licence had been given; and
the condition or right of re-entry shall be and remain in all respects as if
such licence had not been given, except in respect of the particular matter
authorized to be done.

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