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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LOUGH NEAGH AND LOWER BANN DRAINAGE AND NAVIGATION ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1955

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Notification of scheme, etc.

2.(1) When the Ministry has prepared a scheme it shall

<[(a)send a copy to the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Development, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Drainage Council for Northern Ireland and to every district council;]


(c)publish in the Belfast Gazette and such one or more newspapers as it shall
consider appropriate a notice stating that the scheme has been prepared and
also stating the place or places at which and the period, not being less than
one month, during which a copy of the scheme will be available for inspection.
Every notice so published shall contain a statement that any person who
considers that his interests will be prejudicially affected by the scheme may
at any time within the said period send to the Ministry all such, if any,
observations in regard to the scheme as he shall think proper.

(2) Every [district council] to which a copy of a scheme is sent by the
Ministry in pursuance of this section

(a)shall cause that copy to be exhibited in their principal offices or other
convenient place during the period specified in that behalf in the notice
relating to such scheme published in pursuance of sub-section (1) and shall
permit such copy to be inspected during office hours by any person claiming to
be interested therein; and

(b)shall examine and consider the scheme of which the copy is a copy; and

(c)may, at any time within the period specified in paragraph (c) of
sub-section (1), send to the Ministry such observations in regard to the
scheme as the [district council] shall think proper.

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