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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LOUGH NEAGH AND LOWER BANN DRAINAGE AND NAVIGATION ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1955

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Financial provisions.

16.(1) All expenditure which the Ministry, after consultation with the
Ministry of Agriculture, may certify as having been incurred by the Ministry
in or in connection with the preparation or carrying into effect of a scheme
(in this section called "scheme expenditure") shall, in the first instance and
subject to the provisions of sub-section (3), be defrayed out of moneys
provided by Parliament, or, if the Ministry thinks fit, out of the
Consolidated Fund, so, however, that the amount to be defrayed out of the
Consolidated Fund shall not exceed one hundred and fifty thousand pounds.

(2) Expenditure incurred by the Ministry under this Act other than
scheme expenditure shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament.

(3) All scheme expenditure shall be recouped to the Ministry by the Ministry
of Agriculture at such times and in such manner as the Ministry may direct as
if it had been expenditure incurred by the Ministry as the agent of and on
behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture in carrying the provisions of [the
Drainage (Northern Ireland) Order 1973], into effect and scheme expenditure so
recouped by the Ministry of Agriculture shall be deemed to be expenditure
incurred by that Ministry in carrying the provisions of that Act into effect
and, as such, to be expenditure towards which contributions shall be paid by
the council of each county or county borough under section twenty-three of
that Act; and the said section twenty-three shall have effect accordingly.

(4) The Ministry may borrow money for the purposes of providing issues out of
the Consolidated Fund under sub-section (1) and moneys so borrowed shall be
repaid within any period or periods not exceeding twenty-five years from the
date of borrowing and provision for such repayment may be made out of moneys
provided by Parliament.

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