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Levy for Commission's expenses.

4.(1) For the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Commission,
the Ministry may, on the recommendation of the Commission, make regulations
providing for the imposition of a levy, to be collected by or on behalf of
the Commission, in respect of all livestock slaughtered in or sent out of
Northern Ireland, but so that the levy shall not exceed [10p] for each sheep,
... and [#1] for each bovine animal.

(2) A levy under this section shall be imposed only on

(a)the owners of any livestock slaughtered or the owners of any livestock
immediately before they are sent out of Northern Ireland; or

(b)other persons engaged in the production, marketing or distribution of
livestock or livestock products.

(3) Regulations made under subsection (1) may include

(a)provisions as to the persons by whom any levy under subsection (1) is to be
paid or collected;

(b)provisions requiring persons slaughtering livestock or carrying or sending
out of Northern Ireland any livestock to keep such records and to make such
returns as may be specified in the regulations.

(4) Regulations made under subsection (1) may include provisions making
persons guilty of an offence where there is a contravention of the
regulations, and for the imposition of penalties on summary conviction of any
such offence, but so that a maximum fine and a maximum term of imprisonment
specified in the regulations shall not exceed fifty pounds and three months,

(5) Returns or other information furnished or obtained by any person in
pursuance of regulations made under subsection (1) shall not be disclosed

(a)with the consent of the person by whom the information was furnished;

(b)to a member, officer or servant of the Commission;

(c)to an officer of the Ministry;

(d)in the form of a summary of similar information, so framed that particulars
relating to any one person cannot be obtained from it;

(e)for the purpose of any criminal proceedings or report of such proceedings;

(6) No levy shall be imposed under this section in respect of any livestock
slaughtered under the Diseases of Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 or any
order made thereunder.

(7) The Ministry may by regulations made subject to affirmative resolution
vary the sums specified in subsection (1).

(8) Regulations made under subsection (1) shall be subject to negative

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