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Sale of holding by Land Commission.

38.(1) The Land Commission upon the sale of a holding under section thirty of
the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, or under any power of sale, may sell the
holding in lots.

(2) Section fifteen of the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1885, as amended by
this Act, shall extend to a sale of a holding by the Land Commission, as
successors to the Commissioners of Church Temporalities in Ireland.

(3) Where a holding is subject to the future payment of an annuity, and the
Land Commission sell it in lots, or in the exercise of their powers under the
Land Purchase Acts authorise the subdivision of the holding, the Land
Commission may apportion the annuity in such manner as they deem expedient, or
may, if they think fit, make an order discharging any such portion of the
holding as aforesaid from any further liability for such annuity, or any part
thereof, or any arrears thereof.

(4) Where the Land Commission sell a holding, the purchase money shall,
subject to the provisions of section thirty of the
Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, be paid and distributed as if it were the
purchase money of a holding sold by a landlord to a tenant.

S.39 rep. by 1906 c.37 s.38, sch.; SLR 1950. S.40 rep. by SLR 1950

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