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Amendment of 1903 c.37 s.54.

32.(1) As between the Land Commission and the proprietor for the time being of
any holding for the purchase of which the Land Commission have, after the
passing of this Act, made any advance under the Land Purchase Acts, the
following conditions shall be imposed in addition to the conditions mentioned
in section fifty-four of the Act of 1903, namely

(a)The proprietor shall not without the consent of the Land Commission acquire
by purchase any other holding for the purchase of which an advance has been
made under the Land Purchase Acts if the amount of that advance then
outstanding, when added to the amount of the advance or advances made in
respect of the holding or holdings then held by the proprietor, would exceed
the sum of seven thousand pounds, and, if any proprietor acquires any holding
in violation of this condition, the Land Commission may cause that holding to
be sold:

Para.(b) rep. by 1953 c.2 (NI) s.21 sch.

Subs.(2) rep. by 1953 c.2 (NI) s.21 sch.

(3) Subsection (2) and subsection (3) of section thirty of the Act of 1881, as
amended by any enactment, shall apply to any sale by the Land Commission under
this section.

(4) When the whole of the advance made for the purchase of a holding under the
Land Purchase Acts has been repaid, the conditions imposed by this section, or
by section fifty-four of the Act of 1903, shall cease to have effect as
regards the holding or the proprietor thereof.

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