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Expenses of improvements by Land Commission on land sold by landlord to tenant.

30.(1) Where the Land Commission deem it expedient to expend any money on the
improvement of a holding sold or agreed to be sold by a landlord to a tenant,
they may, in accordance with regulations to be made by the Treasury, enter
into an agreement with the tenant for the repayment of the money so expended
in the same manner as if such money was advanced under the Land Purchase Acts
for the purchase of the holding, and the said money shall be repaid by an
additional annuity accordingly.

(2) So far as circumstances admit the additional annuity shall, in accordance
with regulations to be made by the Treasury, be consolidated and made payable
with the purchase annuity.

(3) Regulations made by the Treasury may provide that, where the repayment of
any money expended by the Land Commission is secured by an additional annuity
under this section, the National Debt Commissioners may advance to the Land
Commission the said money for repayment to the reserve fund if that fund has
not been exhausted, and, if that fund has been exhausted, for repayment to the

S.31 rep. by SLR 1950

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