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Trustees for the purposes of turbary, pasture, &c.

18.Subs.(1) rep. by SLR 1950

(2) Where any land is purchased by the said Department or a county council or
rural district council under this section, the scheme for the user of the land
mentioned in section twenty of the Act of 1903 shall be framed or approved of
by the Department and the requirements of that section with regard to the
framing or approval of the scheme by the Lord Lieutenant shall not apply.

(3) Where land is purchased by a county council or rural district council
under this section, the amounts required for payment of the instalments of the
purchase annuity shall be raised in the case of the county council as a county
at large charge, and in the case of the rural district council as a district

Subs.(4) rep. by SLR 1950

Ss.1924 rep. by SLR 1927; SLR 1950. Ss.2629 rep. by SLR 1927; SLR 1950

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