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Provisions in case of death, &c. of applicant for an advance.

69.(1) Where an advance under the Land Purchase Acts has been made for the
purchase of any land, an order of the Land Commission charging the land shall
be valid and effectual notwithstanding that the applicant for the advance may
have died.

(2) Where the applicant for the advance has died and there is no legal
personal representative of such applicant, or no legal personal representative
whose services are available for the sale under the Land Purchase Acts, the
Land Commission may, on such terms and conditions (if any) as they may think
fit, appoint any proper person to be administrator of the deceased applicant
limited to the purposes of that sale, and such limited administrator shall,
for those purposes, represent the deceased applicant in the same manner as if
the applicant had died intestate and administration had been duly granted to
such limited administrator of all the personal estate and effects of the
deceased applicant.

Subs.(3) rep. by 1970 c.18 (NI) s.97 sch.14

S.86 rep. by SLR 1927. S.87 rep. by SLR 1950

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