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Amendment of 1896 c.47 s.38(3) with respect to apportionment of annuity and guarantee deposit.

67.(1) The powers for the apportionment of an annuity, or the discharge of
portion of a holding from liability in respect of an annuity, conferred by
subsection three of section thirty-eight of the Act of 1896, may be exercised
where the holding was sold or subdivided before the passing of the Act of

(2) Where the Land Commission exercise the power of apportionment conferred by
the said subsection three, either as amended or not, they may apportion in the
same proportions the guarantee deposit (if any) retained to secure the
repayment of the advance, and such last-mentioned apportionment may be made
without the consent of the owner of the guarantee deposit.

(3) Where any land upon which portion of a purchase annuity has been charged
by the Land Commission is conveyed to the proprietor of a holding subject to a
purchase annuity, that holding and the land so conveyed shall be deemed one
holding, and the said annuity and portion shall be payable in such manner and
subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.

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