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Restrictions on subdivision and incumbrance of holding.

54.(1) As between the Land Commission and the proprietor for the time being of
any holding, for the purchase of which the Land Commission have after the
commencement of this Act made any advance under the Land Purchase Acts, the
following conditions shall be imposed, that is to say:

(a)The holding shall not be subdivided or let without the consent of the Land
Commission, and if the proprietor subdivides or lets the holding or any part
thereof without such consent, the Land Commission may cause the holding to be

(b)Where the title of the holding is divested from the proprietor by
bankruptcy, the Land Commission may cause the holding to be sold:

Para.(c) rep. by 1955 c.24 (NI) s.46 sch.3

(5) Subsections two and three of section thirty of the Act of 1881, as amended
by any enactment, shall apply to proceedings under this section.

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