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47.(1) There shall be established, as part of the Irish Land Purchase Fund, a
fund to be called the "Land Purchase Aid Fund," and there shall, in each
financial year, be paid out of that fund to the Land Commission such sums as
the Treasury, on the request of the Land Commission, may sanction. ...

(2) The sums required for the Land Purchase Aid Fund shall be raised by the
issue of guaranteed two and three-quarters per cent. stock, as by this Act
provided, and a sum sufficient to pay the dividends on the amount of stock
issued for the purposes of this section, together with [50p] per cent. per
annum by way of sinking fund, shall be paid in each year to the Irish Land
Purchase Fund out of money provided by Parliament.

(3) The provisions of this Act with reference to the repayment of advances by
the Land Commission to the National Debt Commissioners shall not apply to
advances under this section.

S.48 rep. by 1909 c.42 s.70 sch.2; SLR 1950

S.49 rep. by 1925 c.34 s.32(7); 1970 c.18 (NI) s.97 sch.14

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