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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> HOSIERY MANUFACTURE (WAGES) ACT 1874

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Definition of terms.

7. Within the meaning and for the purposes of this Act, all workmen,
labourers, and other persons in any manner engaged in the performance of any
employment or operation, of what nature soever, in or about the hosiery
manufacture, shall be and be deemed "artificers"; and, within the meaning and
for the purposes aforesaid, all masters, foremen, managers, clerks,
contractors, sub-contractors, middlemen, and other persons engaged in the
hiring, employment, or superintendence of the labour of any such artificers
shall be and be deemed to be "employers"; and, within the meaning and for the
purposes of this Act, any money or other thing had or contracted to be paid,
delivered, or given as a recompense, reward, or remuneration for any labour
done or to be done, whether within a certain time or to a certain amount, or
for a time or for an amount uncertain, shall be deemed and taken to be the
wages of such labour; and, within the meaning and for the purposes aforesaid,
any agreement, understanding, device, contrivance, collusion, or arrangement
whatsoever on the subject of wages, whether written or oral, whether direct or
indirect, to which the employer and artificers are parties, or are assenting,
or by which they are mutually bound to each other, or whereby either of them
shall have endeavoured to impose an obligation on the other of them, shall be
and be deemed a "contract."

S.8 rep. by SLR 1893 (No.2)

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