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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> HOSIERY MANUFACTURE (WAGES) ACT 1874

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Penalty for using frame otherwise than for the purpose for which same lent.

4. If any frame or machine which shall have been entrusted to any artificer or
other person by his employer for the purpose of being used in the hosiery
manufacture for such employer, or in any process incident to such manufacture,
shall, whilst the same shall be so entrusted, be worked, used, or employed
without the consent in writing of such employer or other person so entrusting
such frame or machine, in the manufacture of any goods or articles whatever
for any other person than the person by whom such frame or machine shall have
been so entrusted, then and in every such case the artificer or other person
to whom the same shall have been so entrusted shall forfeit and pay the sum of
[50p] for every day on any part of which any such frame or machine shall have
been so worked, used, or employed, to be recoverable by and for the benefit of
the person who shall have so entrusted the same, in the county court for the
district where the offence shall have been committed, with full costs of suit.

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