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Repeal of certain enactments relating to harbour charges.

9.(1) The following provisions shall cease to have effect, namely

Para.(a) repeals ss.30, 47 of 1847 c.27

(b)any statutory provision (other than the said section 47 or one in this Act)
applying to a harbour authority in so far as (however it is expressed) it
requires a list of charges imposed by the authority in the exercise of its
powers as such to be published;

Para.(c) repeals s.24 of 1853 c.131

(d)section 17 (rates to be equally levied) of the
General Pier and Harbour Act 1861 Amendment Act and any other
statutory provision applying to a harbour authority in so far as (however it
is expressed) it prohibits the authority from discriminating in the matter of
charges imposed as aforesaid against any person in favour of any other person.

Subs.(2) repeals 1867 c.15

Powers of authorities.

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