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Availability of copies of lists of certain charges.

6.(1) A list showing the charges to which this section applies for the time
being exigible by virtue of section 5 by a harbour authority at a harbour
which it is improving, maintaining or managing

(a)shall be kept at the harbour office; and

(b)shall be open there during reasonable hours for inspection by any person
without charge;

(2) Where a harbour authority enters into any arrangements with any person
whereby any charge to which this section applies is reduced or compounded,
subsection (1) shall not be construed as requiring the inclusion in any list
required to be kept under that subsection of any such charge as so reduced or

(3) No charge to which this section applies exigible as mentioned in
subsection (1) shall be levied by the harbour authority concerned if, at the
time at which it is exigible

(a)the authority is in default in complying with subsection (1)(a); or

(b)the charge is not shown in the list kept there.

(4) A copy of a list which, in pursuance of subsection (1), is for the time
being kept by a harbour authority at the office of a harbour shall be supplied
by it to the Ministry without charge.

(5) The charges to which this section applies are ship, passenger and goods

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