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Power to amend Acts of local application.

39.(1) The Ministry may, subject to the provisions of this section, by order
repeal or amend any provision relating to a harbour which is contained in a
local Act passed before this Act, where it appears to it that the provision is
inconsistent with, or has become unnecessary in consequence of, any provision
of this Act.

(2) The Ministry shall not make an order under this section repealing or
amending any provision in a local Act the Bill for which was promoted by a
harbour authority or by any body which became a harbour authority by virtue of
the Act or order or whose functions under the Act or order have become
exercisable by a harbour authority, except on the application of that

(3) Before making an order under this section the Ministry shall consult with
any harbour authority which appears to the Ministry to be concerned, not being
an authority by which an application for the making of the order was made.

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