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33.(1) Where

(a)the Ministry recommends that the whole or any part of the principal or
interest of a loan made under this Act should be written off by reason that it
not likely to be recovered; and

(b)the Ministry of Finance directs that the amount is to be written off;

(2) Any amount which is repayable to the Ministry under this Act may, without
prejudice to any other means of recovery, be recoverable by deduction from any
grant or other sum payable out of money provided by Parliament or the
Consolidated Fund by a government department to the person from whom the
amount is due, and that grant or sum shall be abated accordingly.

Subs.(3) rep. by SLR 1976

(4) The Ministry of Finance may issue out of the Consolidated Fund to
the Ministry such sums as are necessary to enable the Ministry to make loans
under section 2 or grants under section 3.

(5) For the purpose of providing sums to be issued under subsection (4),
the Ministry of Finance may borrow money.

(6) Money borrowed under subsection (5) shall be repaid within sixty years
from the date of borrowing and provision for the repayment may be made out of
money provided by Parliament.

S.34, with Schedule 5, effects amendments

S.35 rep. by 1971 c.13 (NI) s.86(5) sch.12 Pts.I,II

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