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30.(1) An annual statement of accounts which

(a)relates to a harbour authority (whether or not it relates also to another
authority); and

(b)is, by virtue of a statutory provision made with respect to it, required to
be prepared by the authority;

(2) A harbour authority shall be under an obligation to comply with such of
the following requirements as it is not, by virtue of other
statutory provision made with respect to the authority, under obligation to
comply with, namely

(a)to prepare an annual statement of accounts relating to the authority;

(b)to send to the Ministry a copy of each such annual statement;

(c)to send to the Ministry a copy of the auditors' report upon each such
annual statement.

(3) No regulation under subsection (1) shall be taken to require the doing of
anything in contravention of any requirement imposed by [the Companies Act
(Northern Ireland) 1960] [the Companies Acts (Northern Ireland) 1960 and 1978]
with respect to the form, contents or manner of compilation of accounts.

(4) Regulations under this section may be made so as to apply to a particular
harbour authority.

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