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Northern Irish Legislation

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28.(1) For the purpose of obtaining information and forecasts reasonably
required by the Ministry in order to allow the Ministry to regulate harbours,
assist in their development, promote their efficient use or compile statistics
relating to the external trade of Northern Ireland the Ministry may

(a)by notice in writing served on a person improving, maintaining or managing
a harbour, require him to furnish to the Ministry such information or
forecasts as may reasonably be specified in the notice;

(b)by notice in writing served on a person carrying out at a harbour,
harbour operations of a particular description, not being the person
improving, maintaining or managing that harbour, require him to furnish to
the Ministry such information or forecasts relating to harbour operations of
that description carried out by him at that harbour as may be so specified; or

(c)by notice in writing served on a person (other than a person referred to in
paragraph (a) or (b)) improving, maintaining or managing a dock or wharf
require him to furnish to the Ministry such information or forecasts relating
to that dock or wharf as may reasonably be specified in the notice;

(2) A person who

(a)fails to satisfy an obligation to which he is subject by virtue of
subsection (1), unless he proves that he had reasonable excuse for the
failure; or

(b)in purported compliance with a requirement imposed under subsection (1),
gives any information which he knows to be false in a material particular or
makes a statement which he knows to be so false or recklessly gives any
information which is so false or recklessly makes any statement which is so

Information in relation to grants and loans.

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