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Discontinuation of a harbour's maintenance.

17.(1) If it appears to a local harbour authority that a harbour vested in it
is no longer required or cannot be adequately maintained except by expenditure
which would not be justified by any benefit which would result from the
harbour's continued existence, it may, subject to subsection (2), resolve to
discontinue the maintenance of the harbour.

(2) A resolution under subsection (1) shall not take effect unless it is
approved by the Ministry and any approval under this subsection may be given
subject to conditions.

(3) On the application of a relevant harbour authority which has passed a
resolution under subsection (1), the Ministry may by order make such provision
as it considers necessary in relation to any outstanding liabilities of the
authority in respect of the harbour.

(4) When a resolution under this section takes effect, this Part and any
enactment applying to the harbour to which the resolution relates shall cease
to apply to the harbour except

(a)in so far as the Ministry by order otherwise directs;

(b)in so far as this Part or the enactment authorises the levying and recovery
of rates to meet outstanding loan charges or the recovery of any rates levied
but not recovered before the date on which the resolution takes effect.

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