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14.(1) A local harbour authority may make byelaws for all or any of the
following purposes:

(a)for regulating the use of the harbour;

(b)for regulating the conduct of persons;

(c)for regulating the exercise of the powers vested in the harbour master;

(d)for regulating the movement of vessels;

(e)for controlling vehicles;

(f)for preventing the obstruction of, or injury to, the harbour;

(g)for regulating the shipping and unshipping, landing, warehousing, stowing,
depositing and removing of all goods within the harbour;

(h)for regulating, with the consent of the Commissioners of Customs and
Excise, the hours during which the gates, entrances or outlets to the harbour
will be open;

(i)for regulating the functions of any person, not being an officer of customs
and excise, employed (whether by the authority or any other person) in the

(j)for regulating the use of fires and lights;

(k)for preventing damage or injury to any vessel or goods;

(l)for regulating the use of cranes and other equipment belonging to the

(2) Sections 219 to 223 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act 1878 shall apply to
any byelaws made under subsection (1) as they apply to any byelaws made under
that Act, subject to the following modifications:

(a)for any reference to a sanitary authority or to the clerk of such an
authority there shall be substituted a reference to a local harbour authority
or to the clerk of or secretary to such an authority;

(b)for any reference to the Ministry of Health and Social Services there shall
be substituted a reference to the Ministry of Commerce;

(c)for any reference to a ratepayer of a district to which byelaws relate
there shall be substituted a reference to any person;

(d)for the reference in section 220 to five pounds there shall be substituted
a reference to fifty pounds.

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