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Northern Irish Legislation

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Subject to the powers given to the commissioner, and to the estate in the assignees, a bankrupt tenant in tail shall retain his powers of disposition.

64. Provided always, that, subject and without prejudice to the powers of
disposition given by this Act to the commissioner acting in the execution of
any such fiat as aforesaid, under which a person being or before obtaining his
certificate becoming an actual tenant in tail of lands of any tenure, or a
tenant in tail entitled to a base fee in lands of any tenure, shall be
adjudged a bankrupt, and also subject and without prejudice to the estate in
such lands which may be vested in the assignees of the bankrupt's estate, and
also subject and without prejudice to the rights of all persons claiming under
the said assignees in respect of such lands or any of them, such actual tenant
in tail, or tenant in tail so entitled as aforesaid, shall have the same
powers of disposition under this Act in regard to such lands as he would have
had if he had not become bankrupt.

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