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Northern Irish Legislation

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Enlargement of base fees subsequent to the sale or conveyance thereof under Bankruptcy Acts.

61. If a tenant in tail entitled to a base fee in lands of any tenure shall be
adjudged a bankrupt at the time when there shall be a protector of the
settlement by which the estate tail converted into the base fee was created,
and if such lands shall be sold or conveyed under the said Acts of the sixth
year of King George the Fourth and the first and second years of King William
the Fourth, or either of them, or any other Acts hereafter to be passed
concerning bankrupts, and if at any time afterwards during the continuance of
the base fee in such lands there shall cease to be a protector of such
settlement, then and in such case, and immediately thereupon, the base fee in
such lands shall be enlarged into the same estate into which the same could
have been enlarged under this Act, if at the time of the adjudication of such
bankruptcy there had been no such protector, and the commissioner acting in
the execution of the fiat under which the tenant in tail so entitled shall
have been adjudged a bankrupt had disposed of such lands under this Act.

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