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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FORGERY ACT 1913

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Demanding property on forged documents, &c.

7. Every person shall be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof shall be
liable to penal servitude for any term not exceeding fourteen years, who, with
intent to defraud, demands, receives, or obtains, or causes or procures to be
delivered, paid or transferred to any person, or endeavours to receive or
obtain or to cause or procure to be delivered, paid or transferred to any
person any money, security for money or other property, real or personal:

(a)under, upon, or by virtue of any forged instrument whatsoever, knowing the
same to be forged; or

(b)under, upon, or by virtue of any probate or letters of administration,
knowing the will, testament, codicil, or testamentary writing on which such
probate or letters of administration shall have been obtained to have been
forged, or knowing such probate or letters of administration to have been
obtained by any false oath, affirmation, or affidavit.

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