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18.(1) In this Act unless the context otherwise requires

The expression "bank note" includes any note or bill of exchange of the Bank
of England or Bank of Ireland, or of any other person, body corporate, or
company carrying on the business of banking in any part of the world, and
includes "bank bill," ... "blank bank note," "blank bank bill of exchange,"

The expression "die" includes any plate, type, tool, or implement whatsoever,
and also any part of any die plate, type, tool, or implement, and any stamp or
impression thereof or any part of such stamp or impression:

The expression "document of title to goods" includes any bill of lading, India
warrant, dock warrant, warehouse keepers certificate, warrant or order for the
delivery or transfer of any goods or valuable thing, bought or sold note, or
any other document used in the ordinary course of business as proof of the
possession or control of goods, or authorising or purporting to authorise
either by endorsement or by delivery the possessor of such document to
transfer or receive any goods thereby represented or therein mentioned or
referred to:

The expression "document of title to lands" includes any deed, map, roll,
register, or instrument in writing being or containing evidence of the title
or any part of the title to any land or to any interest in or arising out of
any land, or any authenticated copy thereof:

The expression "revenue paper" means any paper provided by the proper
authority for the purpose of being used for stamps, licences, permits, ..., or
for any purpose whatever connected with the public revenue:

The expression "seal" includes any stamp or impression of a seal or any stamp
or impression made or apparently intended to resemble the stamp or impression
of a seal, as well as the seal itself:

The expression "stamp" includes a stamp impressed by means of a die as well as
an adhesive stamp:

Definition rep. by SLR 1966

The expression "valuable security" includes any writing entitling or
evidencing the title of any person to any share or interest in any public
stock, annuity, fund, or debt of any part of His Majesty's dominions or of any
foreign state, or in any stock, annuity, fund, or debt of any body corporate,
company, or society, whether within or without His Majesty's dominions, or to
any deposit in any bank, and also includes any scrip, debenture, bill, note,
warrant, order, or other security for the payment of money [or any authority
or request for the payment of money or for the delivery or transfer of goods
or chattels], or any accountable receipt, release, or discharge, or any
receipt or other instrument evidencing the payment of money, or the delivery
of any chattel personal.

(2) References in this Act to any Act in force at the commencement of this Act
shall be held to include a reference to that Act as amended, extended, or
applied by any other Act.

(3) References in this Act to any Government department shall in relation to
any functions performed by that department be held to include references to
any other Government department by which the same functions were previously

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