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Northern Irish Legislation

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Form of indictment and proof of intent.

17.(1) In an indictment ... for an offence against this Act with reference to
any document, seal, or die, it is sufficient to refer to the document, seal,
or die by any name or designation by which it is usually known, or by its
purport, without setting out any copy or facsimile of the whole or any part of
the document, seal, or die.

(2) Where an intent to defraud or an intent to deceive is one of the
constituent elements of an offence punishable under this Act, or under any
other Act relating to forgery or any kindred offence for the time being in
force, it shall not be necessary to allege in the indictment or to prove an
intent to defraud or deceive any particular person; and it shall be sufficient
to prove that the defendant did the act charged with intent to defraud or to
deceive, as the case may require.

(3) If any person who is a member of any co-partnership, or is one of two or
more beneficial owners of any property, forges any document, matter, or thing
with intent to defraud the co-partnership or the other beneficial owners, he
is liable to be dealt with, indicted, tried, and punished as if he had not
been or was not a member of the co-partnership, nor one of such beneficial

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