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Search warrants.

16.(1) If it shall be made to appear by information on oath before a justice
of the peace that there is reasonable cause to believe that any person has in
his custody or possession without lawful authority or excuse

(a)any bank note; or

(b)any implement for making paper or imitation of the paper used for
bank notes; or

(c)any material having thereon any words, forms, devices, or characters
capable of producing or intended to produce the impression of a bank note; or

(d)any forged document, seal, or die; or

(e)any machinery, implement, utensil, or material used or intended to be used
for the forgery of any document;

(2) Every document, seal, or die lawfully seized under such warrant shall be
defaced and destroyed or otherwise disposed of

(a)by order of the court before which the offender is tried; or

(b)if there be no trial, by order of a justice of the peace; or

(c)if it affects the public revenue, by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue or
the Commissioners of Customs and Excise, as the case may require; or

Para.(d) rep. by 1973 c.43 s.23 sch.7 Pt.I

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